Baby Jesus clothes for Three Kings Day, January 6, 2007

Arrving to the teany tiny airport in Rurrenabaque in an even tinier areoplane

Bird sitings like this made Hadas's bird-lovin' heart sing. I liked them okay too...

This is me swimming with Dolphins, for real. They are fresh-water dolphins that are pink on their bellies and let you touch them if you are really lucky. I came real close to getting lucky. And found out that Hadas can't swim, which was more shocking than the whole Dolphins in a land-locked country thing.

These are monos de oro, or golden monkeys, eating bananas out of ours hands

This is our little group that went into the jungle together--a guy from Sri Lanka and Australia, a German woman, a family from La Paz, Hadas and me--at the sunset bar, where you come and leave by boat. I know that sounds kinda like drinking and driving, but its safer than the drive-thru tropical drinks places in Lousiana.

Our tour guide with a baby alligator that he magically pulled out of the water and we almost got ourselves lost at night on the river.

Now he is pulling a snake out of the swampy pampas that he found with his ears.

This is some sort of eagle. Hadas could probably tell you what kind.

Waiting for the flight back to La Paz...

Hadas and me on Isla del Sol.

The Cordillera Real from Isla del Sol
Hadas came to visit me from NYC in January just after William left. We had an adventurous time, from the jungles of Rurrenabaque to paros in El Alto to the tranquility of Lago Titikaka (again).
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